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Wholesale Network & Connectivity Service Provider NZ | 2degrees
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Read more information about network solutions for our wholesale customers - Ethernet Services, Wavelength Optical Transmission Network & IP WAN.

Wholesale Networks


The 2degrees network was purpose-built for high-speed connectivity.

With over 4000km of fibre in the ground in New Zealand and over 30,000 across Asia-Pacific, our network is the perfect basis for a solution that delivers speed, reliability and performance for your customers. 


Network solutions available for Wholesale Customers




Create a fast, highly transparent layer 2 point-to-point and point-to-multipoint Ethernet services that adhere to international network standards. 


Take advantage of 2degrees Wavelength's significant capability across our domestic network and international optical transmission network directly into the global gateway of Singapore.


Whether you have offices in the same city, on the other side of the country, or across Asia-Pacific, Vocus IP WAN keeps you securely connected.